EELISA is FAU’s European University – an association of ten European universities from Hungary, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Romania, France, Switzerland and FAU in Germany together with our associated partner in Ukraine.
In line with our motto “Building Bridges. Bridging Boundaries.”, EELISA connects partner universities with complementary strengths and profiles to shape innovation and the future of society, mastering global challenges with intelligent and sustainable solutions by European cooperation. For you this means your opportunities have increased tenfold!
Become a part of EELISA – Find out how to participate at FAU
EELISA Communities
EELISA is organized in Communities. These are mission driven working groups open for students, researchers, educators and external partners. Their aim is to solve real world problems we face in the field of sustainable development. Join a community and engage in interdisciplinary activities
Find your community on the EELISA Community Platform
EELISA Opportunities
EELISA offers a huge spectrum of opportunities for students, researchers, PHDs, staff and lifelong learners. You can do a workshop in Madrid, join an online course in Istanbul, find a internship in Paris. Just select what type of activity you are looking for or where you want to spend your time in our EELISA Opportunity Finder
Find your next opportunity