EELISA Student Group Kick Off Registration Location of the meeting: Kollegienhaus: Seminarraum KH 0.024 Registration *First Name *Last Name *Gender – Bitte auswählen –FemaleMaleDiverse *Field of Study *Faculty – Bitte auswählen –Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and TheologyFaculty of Business, Economics and LawFaculty of MedicineFaculty of SciencesFaculty of Engineeringother *Study Level – Bitte auswählen –BachelorMasterPhDOther *E-Mail *I hereby grant Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and EELISA to take photographs and/or make film recordings of me (including sound recordings, image and/or film material) during the event. The produced photo and/or film material may be published without any restrictions in terms of time, space, subject matter and content. I irrevocably grant Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and EELISA the right to reproduce and distribute the photographic and/or film material, including in electronic form, and to make it publicly available, free of charge. This also includes the right to use the visual material in all media, print and online products, social platforms, for self-promotion as well as for commercial use. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and EELISA are authorized to optimize the image and / or film material for a print and to make changes or editing (cutouts, montages, photo-technical or computer-aided post-processing or alienation) of the image and / or film material. The naming of the contributors is at the discretion of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and EELISA. I waive royalties in any form and do not raise any claims. German law applies. Verbal side agreements are not made, changes must be in writing. *I hereby confirm the processing of the personal data from the input mask for the exclusive processing of my participation in the event. Please find more information under Privacy Policy. I hereby agree that my e-mail address will be used for the notification of further EELISA events.