Sneak peak to Entrepreneurship services We are collecting information from you so that we can prepare a slide deck for your self-presentation on March 22. We are looking forward to meeting you in person! 😀 Fields starting with a "*" are obligatory. *Your Name. *Name of the University. *Your Team Please introducing your team with their roles. If available, picture of team members introduced above. *Empowering I&E (Innovation & Entrepreneurship) Provide the link to the entrepreneurship page of your university/ institution. *Specialised Expertise What expertise do you/ does your team provide, is there any niche skills you have? *Success stories Your top three success stories. Example: a startup founded in your university. *Collaboration opportunities What are collaboration opportunities you see or already provide for other EELISA partners. Jobs at start-ups Are you promoting or working with a digital start-up job portal to connect ideators and co-creators? If yes, kindly provide the link to the page. Underrepresented groups Are you hosting events in the I&E area, focussing especially on underrepresented groups (i.e. women)? If yes, which ones? Either describe it or share a website. PhDs as entrepreneurs Are you promoting innovation and venture creation as a career option to PhDs and researchers? If yes, how? Additional Comments, if any