Antonia Ernstberger

EELISA FAU Student Representative

Antonia is responsible for representing FAU students’ interests to the whole alliance. If you want to engage with EELISA or if you want to share your feedback you can reach her through her FAU e-mail address.

What does EELISA mean to Antonia?

Why do you enjoy working for EELISA?

Participating in regular meetings with other student representatives in our alliance and collaborating on projects is incredibly exciting. EELISA’s focus on sustainability and engineering aligns perfectly with my interests as an industrial engineering student. These topics are crucial to me, and I find it fascinating to connect with other students and learn from their perspectives and experiences.

Before volunteering for EELISA, …

 I volunteered for FAU Integra, where I organized events and activities to make international students feel more welcomed at FAU.

Why is it worthwhile to be part of EELISA?

 Through EELISA, you can apply for internships, participate in community events, attend seasonal schools at our partner universities, join our European pub quiz, visit companies, go on excursions, and connect with other students.