Eike Trost

Employability and Partnerships (Currently on maternity leave)
Room: Raum 03.5078
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen

Eike is the EELISA team lead at FAU, and currently on maternity leave. She coordinates the EELISA project portfolio, manages the EELISA Communities work package and provides support in all areas as needed.

What does EELISA mean to Eike?

My start on the EELISA team was…

… very exciting because I was the first person at FAU who worked full-time for EELISA. So, I had the opportunity to be part of the building process of the alliance right from the beginning. Today, I’m very happy that we have a full team with very engaged and congenial members coming from different backgrounds.

Before working for EELISA,

… I studied international and cultural business studies and business administration at the university of Passau. After that, I worked for two years in Nuremberg in the area of IT consulting and finance, before I returned to university. In my position at EELISA, I can contribute both now, intercultural knowledge as well as project management and consulting skills.

What was your highlight project for EELISA?

One of my highlights in EELISA was when I participated in the final presentations of a start-up idea seminar and FAU-UPM German-Spanish teams presented and discussed their start-up ideas. It provided evidence that with this course we offered a learning opportunity that students could not have gained when not studying jointly and transnationally. Of course, there are many other highlights, like going with our international team members to the Bergkirchweih in Erlangen or visiting with EELISA colleagues labs below the Louvre that belong to our partner university PSL in Paris.