Franziska Kreuzer

Innovative Teaching, Joined Education Offers
Room: Raum 03.5078
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen

Franziska works as a connection point between EELISA and the resort education at FAU. She is especially involved in all topics regarding innovative teaching and joined education offers

What does EELISA mean to Franziska?

Why do you enjoy working for EELISA?

I really enjoy being back in an international environment and working with European universities. It is great to see projects come to life while working together with our EELISA-partners.

Before working for EELISA I…

… took a sabbatical. Before that, I worked in FAU’s international office in several areas, e.g. as an Erasmus+ coordinator

Why is it worthwhile to be part of EELISA?

Being part of a European alliance is beneficial in so many ways. Having partners at this level of collaboration not only leads to worthwhile projects, but also opens up possibilities on many other areas