Johanna Hojer

Communication, Dissemination and Branding
Room: Raum 03.5078
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen

Johanna is responsible for all communication and marketing issues. She also takes care of Student Engamenet, helps with Student Mobility and coordinates the Local Student Group.

What does EELISA mean to Johanna

Before working for EELISA I…

…  worked in the press and communications department at FAU. That’s why I’m particularly looking forward to making the many exciting stories that happen at EELISA better known at FAU as well

Why do you enjoy working for EELISA?

In EELISA, I work with many colleagues and students from all over Europe. It is exciting to see how work or study is done in other countries. It is also a wonderful opportunity to travel to other countries through the profession and work with colleagues on site

These EELISA topics are most important to me:

Collaboration among students, researchers, and the public without cultural or disciplinary boundaries
Working together as Europeans to address our sustainable development challenges and find solutions for a more sustainable future